Transform Your Health Year-Round: 12 Months of Customized Menus Tailored to Your Wellness Journey!

12 Months

of Meal Planning done for you

for only $97!!!

Menus, Meal Plans, Shopping Lists & Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for the ENTIRE year!

Ladies, what if you had 12 months of meal planning done for you, including what to eat every single week for breakfast, lunch and dinner, weekly shopping lists, and recipes, too?


Without having to worry about what you are going to eat…every single week, is the recipe healthy, does it fit into my diet, and without being overwhelmed with what to shop for every week, or feeling stressed because you're tossing more produce than you're eating



This Black Friday, I'm bringing to you an offer that's not just a sale but a token of my gratitude for supporting my dream.

And now, I want to support you in your journey towards health and vitality.


Introducing: The 12 Months of Health-Focused Meal Plans

For an unbelievable $97 only (valued at over $720!), this offer is my way of giving back to you.  


Here's What You'll Get:

  • A whole year of health-focused meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
  • Each month brings a new theme – from Anti-inflammatory to High Protein, Sugar Detox, and more!
  • Simple, stress-free meals that add joy and health to your daily life.

The struggle with meal planning is real, daunting, and often overwhelming and frustrating. I used to call meal planning my nemesis because it was SO stressful. Every week I would try to make a plan, and every week I would:


1️⃣ Cooking the same boring dishes, again and again. 

2️⃣ Resorting to eating out way too often. 

3️⃣ Facing the disappointment of my family groaning about the same old meals. 

4️⃣ Wasting produce because it spoiled before we could enjoy it. 

5️⃣ Sacrificing healthy eating for convenience.


But what if I told you there’s a different way?


Hello, my name is Amy, and I've been where you are. Battling meal planning and losing every week. As a life and health coach, I found that EVERY SINGLE client I worked with struggled with the same thing. So I started creating weekly meal plans. And that lead to monthly meal plans that included recipes… and then I added shopping lists. I started planning my own meals around these menus and they have transformed not just my life but the lives of countless women!. I'm here to tell you that there's a better way to reclaim your health and it starts with simplifying your meal planning and eating healthy, delicious foods.

Hi! I'm Amy

This price is MASSIVLY discounted

 These are usually $27 each but due to their popularity, I am offering all 12 for only $97!

What You're Getting for only $97

  • 12 months of meal plans, each month with a different health focused theme, for a streamlined plan that does all the heavy lifting for you.
  • ​​Detailed weekly grocery lists to keep you on track and ward off overwhelm…and keep you from quitting your healthy eating plan.
  • ​​Includes a weekly meal prep guide so you can plan ahead and always know what's on the menu ALL YEAR LONG!

Client testimonials

The vine

Amy's well-rounded approach and multi-faceted knowledge equates to valuable insights for spirit, soul, body, and all areas of life. Having her support in my health journey helped me stay consistent in moving toward my goals. I lost the weight I gained during the pandemic and I am continuing to improve my health.

— Katie N,

Echo press

“Amy has been a huge blessing in my life. She is very knowledgable about health, inside and out, and takes every opportunity to help women with their health and healing!”

—Theresa T.

Modern arch

“Amy has been a huge blessing in my life. She is very knowledgable about health, inside and out, and takes every opportunity to help women with their health and healing!”

—Theresa T.

what you'll walk away with :



The 12 Months of Health-Focused Meal Plans

For an unbelievable $97, this offer is my way of giving back to you.  



12 Monthly DELICIOUS Recipes For Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner:

Every month you have a thirty recipe pack with full macro breakdowns and photos: $3000 Value  (yes, a chef is paid more than this to create each of these recipes).


12 Monthly healthy Meal Plans:

Monthly meal plans with detailed grocery list and weekly average macro breakdown $1500 Value



Each month brings a new theme – from Anti-inflammatory to High Protein, Sugar Detox, and more! (Months 1-10 are complete and ready to be downloaded - months 11 and 12 will be completed by January 2nd).



Every single meal is healthy and delicious! 



Get everything you need to make living a healthy lifestyle less overwhelming and more in sync with your everyday life. And save SO MUCH TIME & ENERGY!

What Recipes in This Bundle Do Include:


Clean protein such as organic eggs, grass-fed beef, nuts, seeds, and wild caught fish.


Non-starchy vegetables that are loaded with fiber for a healthy gut microbiome and for good gut motility. 


​Variety to be sure you are also meeting your micronutrient needs and getting plenty of anti-oxidants.


​Simple meals that are easy to make for even the novice cook.


Gut healing foods such as bone broth, garlic, ginger, apple cider vinegar and more.


​Meal plan includes meal prep suggestions and a full grocery list for each week. 


Hormone balancing ingredients such as cruciferous vegetables, flaxseed, anti-oxidant rich foods, and omega 3 rich ingredients.


Meals designed to keep blood sugars well balanced and improve insulin sensitivity.

What Recipes in This Bundle Do Not Include


Harmful oils such as canola oil, vegetable oil, and processed seed oils


Highly processed foods.


​Complex meals that take hours to prepare. 


Unusual ingredients that are difficult to find. 


Grab this offer today and get FREE access to the following guides:

  • Gut Healing Supplements ($30 Value)
  • Elimination Diet Yes/No Foods ($30 Value)
  • Time Saving Hacks For a Healthier You ($30 Value)
  • Nutrient Guide: Supplements & Food Sources For Nutrients ($30 Value)

You don’t want to miss out on this offer!!

Take the leap to transform your daily meals into a journey of health and simplicity, effortlessly planned for an entire year, with just one click – embrace this rare opportunity to make every meal a step towards your dream of a vibrant, stress-free life

This is your one-time Chance to access these menues at this low cost and propel your health forward.